Pursuant to K.S.A. 12-16,102, an Employee Benefits Contribution Fund is hereby created. The Employee Benefits Contribution Fund shall receive and have placed in such fund any monies received from Social Security, Employment Retirement (also known as KPERS), unemployment compensation, workers’ compensation, and any other monies that may be placed in said fund and lawfully utilized for the purposes under K.S.A. 12-16,102, including the proceeds of tax levies authorized by law for such purposes.
(Ord. 320; Code 2023)
A majority of the elector voting thereon having approved, at a general election held on the fifth day of April, 2011, the levying of a retailers’ sales tax in the City of Altoona, for the purposes of infrastructure improvements, as authorized by K.S.A. 12-187 et seq., and amendments thereto, there is hereby levied a city retailers’ sales tax the amount of one percent (1.0%) to take effect on the first day of July, 2011 and shall terminate ten years after its commencement.
(K.S.A. 12-187 et seq.; Ord. 418; Code 2023)
The City of Altoona hereby establishes an Infrastructure Reserve Fund.
(a) The 1% sales tax which took effect October 2011 shall be applied to the Infrastructure Reserve Fund.
(b) The Infrastructure Reserve Fund shall be used for the purpose of infrastructure improvements as defined in section (c) of this resolution and section II of resolution 381.
(c) The phrase “purpose of infrastructure improvements” shall mean:
Most infrastructure improvements are large-scale and require’ a number of years to fund. Examples of infrastructure improvements include the wholesale replacement of water lines and sewer lines, all of which require prior planning and consultation. Infrastructure improvement also includes the rehabilitation of streets, curbs; and cutters, which would include milling and overlaying, and chip sealing. The additional sales tax will provide a dedicated funding stream which will be reviewed and approved by the City Commission on an annual basis in conjunction with the budget process.
(Res. 2012-3; Code 2023)